Visual Design
User Flow
Game Design
Aug 2020 - Nov 2020
Learning to Earn and Invest
An investment game that lets you live 20 years of your life in 20 minutes. Over the years, your growing wealth and investing skills unlock more investment opportunities.
The need for financial literacy among the youth
As consumer habits and financial products change, financial literacy has taken a blow. The youth which is educated, technology savvy and smarter than the previous generations, the same youth is considered illiterate when it comes to handling finances while they are growing up. Key characteristics drawn from our research:
The understanding of personal finance is very low in India.
Blogs and articles found on the internet seem incomprehensible - hence, finances are labeled as boring, and positive financial decisions remain difficult to teach via these traditional methods.
Learning finance through simulations featuring real-life situation is the best and easiest way to pick up the subject.
People in this age group would be financially literate only when they are taught from a younger age.
Integrating game play into finance
Gamification builds on patterns that make such information digestible to our brain, which ultimately seizes the opportunity to learn and makes connections between complex concepts.
Incorporate behavioral finance concepts and help students understand better their tolerance for risk
Help users see long-term consequences of the investing decisions they make
Offer more investment choices to provide a more holistic view of a financial life